Yogateacher training/ Level 2
Mind and Meditation in Haarlem

Die Stufe 2  kann auf zwei unterschiedliche Arten genutzt werden – als in sich geschlossene Ausbildung im Anschluss an die Stufe 1. Oder aber als Set einzelner, in sich abgeschlossener Weiterbildungen, die Du auch ohne die Stufe 1 für Dich besuchen kannst.

Become a healer and teacher for the Aquarian Age

This is because you relate the content to yourself and your development so that you can then take it out into the world and make these treasures available to others. This creates an inner process that can provide direction and impetus.


Price 800€

Write us an email for more Infortmation!

Mind and Meditation I Mental Clarity & Inner Peace

The Mind and Meditation module is partly another psychoeducation module. How can I calm the waves in my mind?
How does the human mind work? What possibilities do I have to intervene in these thought worlds? To what extent does it mean to be human if we learn to locate our emotions in our body and to resolve them there instead of carrying them on as a permanent brain movie and as dramas?
Through lectures, exercises and small groups, we conquer this world, look at the mind in a new way and enter into a paradigm shift.
As a healer, you can carry this knowledge into your everyday life, your family, team meetings at work and to your yoga students. This will make the world a little more loving and you will be more at peace with yourself. You will know what it feels like when the ego plays its own game with you.
Understanding your mind will then also lead to a deeper meditation practice – to more peace. To Shunia the place of stillness. Each participant goes at their own pace to the place where we invite the highest consciousness to enter this place of stillness. (Turiya)
The mind works mostly automatically. Understand how your mind works and what survival strategies you keep recalling here.


This module will take place on three weekends

November 14-17, 2024
December 13-15,2024
January 3-5, 2025

Dharma Singh
Karta Purkh Kaur

 Teacher Training KRI approved.

Studio Be
Spaarnwouderstraat 69

  • Geist, Meditation und Bewusstsein – die hypnotische Trance des Geistes durchbrechen
  • Die Intuition – wecke dein schlafendes menschliches Bewusstsein
  • Die Dynamik des Geistes – menschlich sein bedeutet intuitiv sein
  • Tiefe Meditation – die Lehre des Shuniyas
  • Mentale Intrigen – Sei glücklich – beende Deine geistigen Spiele
  • Entwickle Deine geistige Kraft und Stärke

You will receive the training book as a file and six links per module to the video links recommended by KRI.

The price per module, including training materials and registration fee, is 800 euros. Your accommodation and meals are not included.
Your place in the group is only secured once you have paid a deposit of 150 euros when you register for the respective module. The registration fee will also be retained as a processing fee if you withdraw.
Existing vouchers for the education bonus can still be redeemed.


We meet on the full training days at 05.30 in the morning for sadhana to start the day energetically. Here you will find all sadhana dates, which can also be attended by guests from outside.

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